Thursday, June 17, 2010

A few days ago, I went to see a former dance student of mine perform in her middle school performance night. Before the performance started, the principal and dance teacher announced that the dance program has been approved for next year. A very exciting thing since most arts programs get cut nowadays. After this announcement, the dance teacher talked her background and how important these programs are to schools. She noted that dance helped her get through school with her father continually reminding her to do well in school so she could continue her dance training.

This speech made me start thinking that we as educators need to do more to teach the public that arts programs are indeed important. They help raise self-esteem, team work and can be great motivators to keep kids in school.
Over the next few weeks, we will have a few guest bloggers writing about their POV on arts in education. I hope you will find these blogs interesting and will be motivated to get your kids into the multiple arts programs in schools. Lets continue to keep arts in the schools!

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